Our Contributors
Andrew Lilico
Dr Andrew Lilico is a Principal at Europe Economics, a Fellow of the Institute of Economic Affairs, Chairman of the IEA Monetary Policy Committee and was Chairman of Economists for Britain at Vote Leave during the UK’s referendum on leaving the European Union.
As Chief Economist of the think-tank Policy Exchange from 2009-10 he produced what the BBC has described as the "essential theory" behind the UK Coalition government's initial deficit reduction strategy. At Europe Economics he has worked extensively on major finance and regulatory questions, including for clients such as the European Commission, European Parliament, UK government departments and regulators, industry associations and large firms.
He is a frequent contributor in the UK and international print and broadcast media on economic and financial matters, including on programmes such as Newsnight, the Today Programme, Sky News, CNBC and Bloomberg.
His first degree was from St John's College, Oxford and his doctorate from University College, London, where he also lectured in macroeconomics and in monetary theory.