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Iain Murray

Iain Murray is Vice-President (Strategy) of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, in Washington, DC. For the past decade with the Institute, he has concentrated on financial regulation, employment and immigration regulation and free market environmentalism.


Murray has published several acclaimed books, including Stealing You Blind: How Government Fatcats Are Getting Rich Off of You and The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Won’t Tell You About – Because They Helped Cause Them. His op-eds have appeared in The National Review, The Providence Journal and Fox News. He has appeared on Fox News, CNN Headline News, the BBC and Al-Jazeera, among other broadcast networks.


In addition to his work at CEI, Murray is the visiting fellow at the Adam Smith Institute and board members of the Cherish Freedom Trust and American Friends of the Taxpayers Alliance and advisory board members of Global Britain and Young Britons Foundation.


Prior to coming to CEI in 2003, Murray was the Director of Research for the Statistical Assessment Service and the Executive Officer of HM Department of Transport. He received his MBA from the University of London and his MA from the University of Oxford.

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